Evan Peters & Taissa Farmiga om varandra.

"Evan is such a great guy, so sweet. Working with him has been great. He's so easy-going and laid back, so the scenes are just simple. It was just easy to get into and get out. He's a fun guy. It's just fun being around him. We work good together." - Taissa Farmiga

"Taissa is fantastic, she's such a sweetheart. It's not hard to look like you're in love with her, you know?" - Evan Peters

"I also love working with Taissa. She's so sweet and just a breath of fresh air. In between takes she's just so normal and it's kind of nice to just snap out of it for a minute and hang out with her for a second and have to pop back in it. And the whole Violet-Tate things is... I'm a big hopeless romantic so it's kind of cool to be able to act out some of that stuff in the scenes with her." - Evan Peters


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